
For centuries, dishonest dealers built their fortunes by selling “miraculous” cures to the afflicted men, who never gave up their hope for a miracle. The closest we can get is by trying to learn about and deal with the real causes of hair loss.
There are no proofs that ingredients from shampoos, creams, or conditioners can be absorbed by hair follicles. One of our skin’s functions is preventing foreign substances from entering our body. Only some fats can be absorbed by the top layer of our skin. It is not possible to nourish the follicle from the outside. Nobody has so far found a way to deliver vitamins or nutrients to the follicles and stimulate hair re-growth. Here are some tested remedies that may help you battle hair loss.

Remedy # 1
Head Massage

Ingredients: Salt, 1L of Warm water
Preparation: Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 qt. (1L) of warm water.
Usage: soak a towel in the solution, wring it gently, and massage affected parts of your scalp. Pay particular attentions to areas where there is only partial hair loss. You decide for yourself the length of the massage – for example, when the skin takes a rosy color or when there is a stinging sensation. It might take anywhere from half a minute to several minutes.

                The goal is to gradually restore the network of capillary vessels in our scalp to good condition, which in turn would regenerate our hair follicles. Please do not expect immediate results – the problem took years to build up and the remedy is going to take at least as long, but the effect can pay off if you are patient. The first re-grown hairs are likely to show 3 – 4 months. When the bald spot starts loosing smoothness, it is the sign of follicles pushing new hair shafts up to the surface. Visually, some types of hairs might be noticeable sooner, depending on their color or shape of hair shafts. For examples dark hair shows up sooner than fair one, even if they are re-growing at the same rate.

                You are going to shed some hairs during the massage. These are the ones that are ready to fall out anyway. In about three month’s time, their rejuvenated follicles will start pushing up new hairs. Even a very intense massage cannot remove hairs that are not mean to be shed. The processing of thinning is stopped and reversed as soon as you start massage therapy.

                It usually takes one to five years – about as long as the thinning bas been allowed to go on. Please don’t stop massaging until the full re-growth takes place.

                Re-growing hair in cases of complete baldness is a separate question. It’s theoretically possible, but I wouldn’t like to make vain promises. Trying is not going to hurt you, but there is no guarantee as in the case of thinning hair.

                People who reverse the process of hair thinning are advised to maintain the massaging habit for the rest of their lives. Even those who have never had any problems with their hair but expect them due to genetic factors, poor nutrition, or stressful lifestyle, can use the scalp massage as a perspective measures. Such head start with the therapy will guarantee full and thick hair on your head.
                Daily hair washing cannot cause any extra shedding. You wash your face even more frequently and it doesn’t cause to lose your eyebrows or eyelashes. Some experts advise against daily hair washing and say it dries your hair up by removing natural oils secreted by the skin glands. In my opinion, removing the fatty material together with dust stuck to it is actually a good idea. Daily washing combined with head massage helps regulate the functioning of skin glands, which also influences our hair’s condition. In order to maintain soft manageable hair and well-functioning skin glands, you can use an egg yolk in your wash and then follow it by 1-2 minutes of massage. Drinking alcohol in small amounts (25 – 50 mL a day) also promotes healthy hair growth by expanding our capillary vessels. Don’t forget about sex, it also helps provide richer blood supply to hair follicles, just like other activities relaxing our nervous system.