
Balding men can hold on longer to the hair on the sides of their head and in the occipital area because these areas don’t have as many circulation-influencing factors. Some of those factors are related to the muscle and fat tissues under the scalp. The contraction of muscles due to stress can cause capillary vessels to contract, reducing blood supply to the follicles. Some men become bald as a result of their stressful life, full of nervous strain, causing their scalp to stay tense most of the time. Their undernourished hair follicles aren’t able to re-grow hair.

          In addition to rich supply, good blood circulation is also important to healthy hair growth, and that is related to proper nutrition. It’s been noticed that men who eat a lot of meat tend to lose hair on the top of their head, whiles those indulging in sweets usually balding in the forehead area. Clean blood guarantees overall good health, which becomes reflected in the condition of our hair. Here are some basic steps to achieve that goal:

1.   Prevent polluting your body by unhealthy diet.

2.   Maintain healthy cholesterol levels allowing good blood circulation

3.   Use body-cleansing therapies, alternate hot and cold showers, fresh-air activities, and breathing exercises.

All these measures promote the health of our circulatory system thus helping hair re-growing process.