Other Remedies

Here are a few additional methods that can help you accelerate the process of follicle rejuvenation.

Remedy # 2

Ingredients: 3.5 oz (100g) of nettle leaves (best harvested in May)

Preparation: Pour 0.5 qt/500 mL of boiling water on the leaves, let the brew stand for 30 minutes, strain, and soak a towel in it.

Usage: Massage your scalp with the towel

Remedy # 3

Ingredients: Table Salt

Usage: rub on your scalp for 10-12 minutes, let it remain that way for 1 hour, then rinse off the salt and massage your scalp. Use this method once a week.

Remedy # 4

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of brandy, 1 teaspoon of corn oil, and 1 teaspoon of kefir

Preparation: Blend the ingredients

Usage: Rub the mixture on your scalp, cover it with a plastic bag, and put toque on top of it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly and massage your scalp.

Remedy # 5

Ingredients: 0.5L of grated red beets

Preparation: put the beets into a 1L jar and fill the jar with boiled water. Cover the jar with a lid and let it ferment at room temperature for 5 days, then strain liquid out of it.

Usage: Rub the liquid on your scalp once a day, until it’s used up. After 2 months, repeat the therapy.

Now that you know how to deal with hair loss, start massaging your scalp today. This way, like many others, you may have a good reason to rejoice in front of the mirror four months from now.